On 14 Nov 2011, at 18:52, "McCall, Gabriel" <gabriel.mcc...@thyssenkrupp.com> 

> Chuck, you're right that this should not happen- but the reason it should not 
> happen is because you have a properly functioning stateful firewall, not 
> because you're using NAT. If your firewall is working properly, then having 
> public addresses behind it is no less secure than private. And if your 
> firewall is not working properly, then having private addresses behind it is 
> no more secure than public. In either case, NAT gains you nothing over what 
> you'd have with a firewalled public-address subnet.

Well this is not quite true, is it.. If your firewall is not working and you 
have private space internally then you are a lot better off then if you have 
public space internally! So if your firewall is not working then having private 
space on one side is a hell of a lot more secure!

As somebody else mentioned on this thread, a NAT box with private space on one 
side fails closed.


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