In a message written on Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 02:28:50PM +0100, Randy Bush wrote:
> i am sure the americans who think all address space should righfully be
> theirs can dream up paranoid scenarios for anything.  but dear canute,
> the tide is coming, get over it or get wet.

I believe you have made an incorrect assumption as to why some folks
are against transfers.  Quite frankly, if it made you (and the rest
of the world) happier I would support a proposal to reclaim all
unused legacy space in the ARIN region and divide 100% of it among
the other RIR's.  We'd be better off without it.

The real problem is, if people spent even 10% of the time spent
arguing over how to buy/sell/trade/swap IPv4 space deploying IPv6
space we wouldn't be havng this discussion, as no one would need
any more IPv4 space at this point since we would all be removing
it from our network.

The tide is coming.  The tide is wet.  The tide is full of IPv6 water.
Get over it.

       Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
        PGP keys at

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