On Nov 1, 2011, at 5:29 PM, Phil Regnauld wrote:

> Payam Poursaied (me) writes:
>> Hi all
>> I'm looking for a system to keep track of network assets and also periodic 
>> services in each pop site. Currently we have
>> about 500 pop-sites. In each site we have DSLAMs, Linecards and also some 
>> passive equipments including terminals, racks
>> and ..
>> Also each site may have some recurring fees/services. Something like transit 
>> link, power, rental space and .
>> Could you please share your experience with me
>       Hi Payam,
>       Some of what you mention can be handled with Netdot 
> (https://netdot.uoregon.edu).
>       There is built-in support for maintenance contract definitions, but some
>       customization might be required. The good part about netdot is that it
>       will automate some of the inventory management if it has SNMP access to
>       your devices. Asset mgmt support is rather good for Cisco equipment, but
>       would have to be tested for other vendors.
>       Cheers,
>       Phil

+1 on Netdot, it's good stuff ;)

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