See, since I emailed this - RIPE wants feedback and sent me an email
offlist! I'll gladly give them an earful about how RIPE address ranges
are starting to be notorious for abuse due to lack of valid WHOIS
information and lack of response from so-called abuse departments.

I would like to thank Mr. Herrin for his input because he is
completely right now. With the Protect IP Act lurking in Congress,
would you rather have the Dept of Justice mandate URL blocking of DNS
or would you continue to enjoy the freedom we have right now between
companies, professionals and everybody else without the government's
blind mandate on everything. I would rather have all of us call the
shots and work in cooperation than a lobbyist or special interest
buying the vote of a politician to have some Chinese / totalitarian
control of the Internet.

Mr. Pittcock, I was point out that I've had providers in the past
automatically respond to abuse complaint but do nothing and in this
instance, an abuse complaint just goes 100% unnoticed. It was not
meant to be taken literally.


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