> On our retail footprint we block outbound traffic from customers with dynamic 
> IPs
> towards port 25, our support tells them to use their ISP's port 587 server....
> That being said, since all of our home users have 50 mbit/sec or greater 
> upload
> speeds we are pretty paranoid about the amount of spam that could be 
> originated.
> We don't block anything on static assignments.   Honestly, even as a very 
> geeky
> user, I probably would not have noticed the block and I can confirm that it is
> massively important to lowering our spam footprint as a network.
> I asked our support people, and none of them had ever really had an issue with
> this policy in terms of keeping customers.   I agree with Ricky's current 
> comment
> on this thread, blocking is unfortunately necessary on the modern consumer
> portions of the internet.

Exactly.  Just like not having wide open SMTP relays became "unfortunately
necessary" over a dozen years ago.  It's just the way it is and there is a
solution for it.

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