On 10/24/2011 1:54 PM, Andreas Echavez wrote:

obviously they will get blocked. My personal experience is that when you're
dealing with a DoS at the scale that you need Prolexic, there is simply no
one else that can handle that level of traffic.


I think there are a lot of people on this list that would argue with that statement. As was mentioned earlier, AT&T, Verizon, and several others including Verisign have very ample networks capable of handling attacks just as large as Prolexic, if not bigger.

One thing to note about Prolexic, where it stands out from some of the others is that it is a completely off-net solution. Many of the other offerings from folks like Verizon require you to have WAN circuits connected to their network in order to avail of such a service (in other words, they will only scrub that which would normally traverse their network on it's way towards your WAN interface).

Others like Verisign have (smartly) adopted a similar model to that of Prolexic. They understand that requiring a physical connection into a provider's cloud is a monolithic approach (and certainly runs counter to today's mantra of offering up cloud-based services).

Stefan Fouant
Technical Trainer, Juniper Networks

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