On 10/15/11 11:21 PM, "Randy Epstein" <repst...@hostleasing.net> wrote:

>I believe there was a problem with the voting system this past election.
>Proposed amendment 1, which I voted NO on, did not register.  It does not
>show a vote in the ballot confirmation email (well, it just doesn't say
>what I did), but I know I voted NO.  Further, what makes this even more
>suspicious is that 0 people voted no on this one, yet 8 voted no on the
>2nd.  Yet, the yes votes on both were 79 and 78 respectively.
>Member structure ratification
>79 yes
>0 no
>Committee Structure Simplification Rationale
>78 yes
>8 no
>Can anyone investigate this?  I'm just concerned that there might be a
>problem in the future, and I'd like to find out what happened here.
>On 10/9/11 11:15 PM, "Nanog" <h...@www.nanog.org> wrote:
>>Ballot Cast: Bylaw Changes
>>Cast by: Randy Epstein
>>1. Membership structure ratification<p>
>>The membership structure as specified in the original bylaws made a lot
>>of people unhappy, so the board used its power to temporarily amend the
>>bylaws to institute the now-current membership structure, under which
>>current NANOG voters have become members.  That amendment now needs to
>>ratified by the membership, to avoid the membership structure reverting
>>to its previous state.</P>
>>That the membership ratify the bylaw amendment enacted by the Board on
>>January 4, 2011, establishing the now-current NANOG membership
>> </P>
>>The amendment is as follows:
>>- Replace the current section 5 in its entirety with:</P>
>>5. Membership</P>
>>5.1 Membership Qualifications - Membership in NewNOG is open to any
>>individual with an interest in Internet operations, engineering, or
>>research and who wishes to further education and knowledge sharing
>>the Internet operations community. Any individual may become a member of
>>NewNOG by completing an application and payment of dues.</P>
>>5.2 Membership Classes - There shall be only one class of membership,
>>with all the rights and privileges specified in these Bylaws.</P>
>>5.3 Membership Dues - The Board of Directors shall specify the cost of
>>annual membership dues.  The Board may establish discounts for members
>>meeting certain criteria, or for members wishing to pay for more than
>>year in advance.</P>
>>5.4 Rights and Benefits of Members - Members in good standing shall be
>>entitled to these privileges:
>></P>* Vote in all NewNOG elections.  * Run as a candidate for the Board
>>of Directors * Serve on an administrative committee, as defined in
>>section 9 * Other privileges as specified by the Board of Directors</P>
>>5.5 Policies and Procedures - The Board of Directors shall establish and
>>publish policies and procedures for implementation of the membership
>></P> 2. Committee Structure Simplification
>>Substantial portions of the roles of the Event Logistics committee and
>>the Budget and Finance committee are now being carried out by the
>>Executive Director and staff, with oversight by the Treasurer and other
>>board members.  This amendment eliminates the permanent status of those
>>committees, and allows the board discretion to create new ad hoc
>>committees as needs change.</P>
>>The amendment would:
>>- Eliminate the finance and event committees as standing committees
>>- Allow the board to create other ad-hoc committees as needed to perform
>>specific tasks
>>- Clarify that all committee chairs are given non-voting ex-officio
>>on the board, which are not counted towards a quorum
>>- Fix a few other minor language issues and typos</P>
>>- In section 8.6, replace the text "at least four members" with "at
>>four voting members".</P>
>>- Replace section 9 introductory text with:
>>The Board of Directors will create three standing committees to fulfill
>>the NewNOG mission.  Those committees will be the Program Committee, the
>>Communication Committee, and the Membership and Development Committee.
>>The Board may also at its discretion create ad hoc committees to carry
>>out other functions as needed.  All members of committees must be
>>in Good Standing of NewNOG.
>>The chairperson of each committee will serve ex officio in a non-voting
>>role on the Board of Directors, in order to facilitate communication
>>between the groups.</P>
>>- In section 9.1.2, replace the word "Council" with "Committee".</P>
>>- In section 9.2.3, replace the misspelled word "Acceptible" with
>>- In section 9.2.5, delete the sentence:
>>The chairperson of the Communications Committee will serve ex officio in
>>a non-voting role on the Board of Directors, in order to facilitate
>>communication between the two groups.</P>
>>- In section 9.3.1, delete the sentence:</P>
>>The chairperson of the Membership and Development Committee will serve
>>officio in a non-voting role on the Board of Directors, in order to
>>facilitate communication between the two groups.</P>
>>- Replace section 9.4 with:</P>
>>9.4 Ad Hoc Committees</P>
>>The Board of Directors may from time to time create ad hoc committees
>>appoint members as needed to carry out specific functions.</P>
>>- Delete section 9.5.</P>
>>- In section 10.3.2, delete the sentence:</P>
>>The Chair of the Program Committee will serve ex officio in a non-voting
>>role on the Board of Directors, in order to facilitate communication
>>between the two groups.</P>
>>     Not Approve

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