Have you previously run TinyUmbrella?  It has been known to set gs.apple.com to 
a cydia server in the local hosts file which would return an error.

Or it could be gs is overloaded or down.

Ryan Wilkins

On Oct 12, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Carlos Alcantar <car...@race.com> wrote:

> Has anyone else bricked there phone doing the iOS 5 update.  I just ran
> mine in the middle of the update I got a 3004 error doing some research
> that error means can't connect to gs.apple.com I'm guessing that¹s there
> upgrade server.  So right now I'm SOL till I can connect to the update
> server.  Looking on twitter it looks like I'm not the only person that has
> gotten this.
> Carlos Alcantar
> Race Communications / Race Team Member
> 101 Haskins Way, So. San Francisco, CA. 94080
> Phone: +1 415 376 3314  Fax:  +1 650 246 8901 / carlos *at* race.com /
> www.race.com 
> On 10/12/11 1:20 PM, "Ray Van Dolson" <rvandol...@esri.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 01:10:08PM -0700, Zachary McGibbon wrote:
>>> With all of Apple's updates today (MacOS, iOS, Apps, etc) we saw a big
>>> increase on one of our links to our ISP at 1pm Eastern.
>>> Did anyone else notice significant traffic jumps on their networks?
>> That's an impressive jump.  Do you have some netflow data showing the
>> target subnets that were being hit?
>> Ray

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