On 10/10/11 17:12 , Randy Carpenter wrote:
> Very nice. I wonder if this is an option we could try to use in
> future meetings. It makes sense, really, since we already have decent
> connectivity for the conference areas, and we wouldn't be destroying
> the hotel's outside connection (only their WiFi ;-) )

having negotiated or attempted to negotiate this as part of a number of
hotel contracts, I'd note that while nice to have this is not always
possible, so while I'd put it on the list, if it becomes a deal-breaker
it would substantially reduce the number of available venues or result
in payment of significant considerations to the hotel for the lost
revenue from non-nanog guests to the hotel, for whom internet is
generally an upsell unless included in their rate.

> -Randy
> ----- Original Message -----
>> Noah -
>> Very nice... I also notice it's IPv6 enabled. :-)
>> Thanks! /John
>> On Oct 10, 2011, at 5:43 PM, Noah Weis wrote:
>>> All,
>>> The hotel is in the process of deploying an SSID throughout the 
>>> guest room network that terminates to the NANOG external router,
>>> rather than the hotel's gateway.
>>> The SSID is NANOG-guest.
>>> They stated it will take a couple of hours to be fully
>>> operational in the guest room space.
>>> As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Noah
>>> --
>>> Noah K. Weis Verilan, Inc. m: +1-503-902-2491

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