On 10/6/2011 4:02 PM, Wayne E Bouchard wrote:
On Wed, Oct 05, 2011 at 08:15:02PM -0400, Alex Rubenstein wrote:
Not entirely on-list-topic, but still relevant.
In some circles, he's being compared to Thomas Edison. Apply your own
opinion there whether you feel that's accurate or not. I'll just state
this: Both men were pasionate about what they did. They each changed
the world and left it better than they found it.
It's probably not a bad analogy, like Ford and many other champions of
industry he didn't invent groundbreaking technology (Edison's only
invention was the phonograph IIRC, all else was improvements on existing
technology). They took what was already in existence and did something
amazing with it: made it accessible, be it through price, ease of use or