On 9/30/11 15:58 , Seth Mattinen wrote:
> On 9/30/11 3:41 PM, Michael Painter wrote:
>> Steven G. Huter wrote:
>>> this August 2011 article in the Economist outlines some relevant info
>>> about the prineville, oregon FB datacenter.
>>> http://www.economist.com/node/21525237
>>> steve
>> Informative article..."It's the climate, stupid".
>> Got a laugh out of:
>> "The server racks are nearly silent, and their internal fans whirr
>> almost imperceptibly.
>> The only exceptions are network switches which, Facebook staff notes,
>> are perversely designed by even the biggest firms to vent air out of
>> their sides. As a result, they run loud and hot-and are openly sworn at."
> Which says to me that FB staff has no clue how chassis switches are
> constructed, or they don't like switches with vertically oriented line
> cards.

nobody puts a chassis switch at the top of a rack...

there are several 1u tors orderable with either ftb or btf airflow but,
it is a design consideration.

> ~Seth

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