Good question, we do not use manageengine for NMS and I have no desire to use 
them either.
I tried their NMS platform last year and it was "ok", the interface just seemed 
a little clunky....

Setting up ManageEngine syslog was a breeze and now we get alerts based on what 
kind of messages
we want, it's pretty hands off, I'm sure you could fine tune it further...

But I hear that solarwinds NPM has syslog built into it, so I'm thinking of 
going with one product that covers
it all....

> Subject: Re: events
> From:
> Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 14:21:38 -0400
> To:
> On 2011-09-30, at 2:13 PM, Brandon Kim wrote:
> > I've been happy with my basic ManageEngine's syslog, but I may be looking 
> > at Solarwinds too...
> I've just installed the Splunk eval myself, but I'm curious about your 
> ManageEngine experiences.  I don't have any interest in using ManageEngine as 
> an NMS; I have a couple of tools that I use for that already.  Can you use 
> ManageEngine's syslog without having to set it up to monitor all of your 
> devices first?  Have you looked at the TRAP support in ManageEngine?

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