Found a decent starting reference. It was a Network solutions limit... I
*knew* it! LOL

The domain in question was 27 characters long
including the .tld. I was off by one, the limit was 22 characters for the A
record name and 4 characters for .com, .net, .org, .gov and .edu.

>From the 123-domain-register web page:

> The word is out... and the experts have been taking advantage of a change
> in Domain Name regulations that allows up to 67 characters in domain names.
> How this will impact you:
>    -
>    Long domain names filled with keywords can get you ranked higher on the
>    search engines. (yes, the search engines will rank them)
>    -
>    For those who could not get a DOT.COM domain name, or were limited by
>    the 22 character limit, those days are over...for awhile anyway.
>    -
>    This revolution is driven by entrepreneurs who can act quickly. If you
>    do not act soon, all the good domains will be gone, and you will have to 
> pay
>    premiums you do not want to in order get the domain name you want.
> Since 1993, Network Solutions has registered more than 3.4 million domain
> names -- all limited to 26 characters. Now that their exclusive government
> contract is ending, competitors have tossed this artificial limit and are
> allowing longer names.
Cool, I was not dreaming... ;-]

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 15:00, <> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 02:54:38PM -0700, steve pirk [egrep] wrote:
> > I seem to recollect back the 1999 or 2000 times that I was unable to
> > register a domain name that was 24 characters long. Shortly after that, I
> > heard that the character limit had been increased to like 128 characters,
> > and we were able to register the name.
> >
> > Can anyone offer some input, or is this a memory of a bad dream?
> > ;-]
> >
> > -- Steve Pirk
> > Yensid
> the foundational DNS spec sez:
> 2.3.1
> [elided]
> There are also some restrictions on the length.  Labels must be 63
> characters or less.
> /bill

steve pirk
"father... the sleeper has awakened..." paul atreides - dune member august '09

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