Jimmy, On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Jimmy Hess <mysi...@gmail.com> wrote: > The name for an ISP intercepting traffic from its own users is not > "interference" or "DoS", > because they're breaking the operation of (er) only their own network.
This statement somehow assumes that users of said network were only intending to communicate within that same network. I think this applies to so few networks it can be ignored in the discussion. If I have a partner/customer/supplier/$foo in [common carrier/public carrier] network X, and there is no D/DoS or other form of abuse ongoing, and the operator of X willfully denies our communication, the operator of X should have pretty darn good reasons for doing so (on the order of having been ordered by the proper judicial system (which should be well-functional, but that's a bit out of scope for the discussion I guess)). Operators should take great care to not break communication, including tampering with internet architectures such as DNS, and it must be possible to hold those who do responsible for their actions. Regards, Martin