On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 3:57 AM, William Allen Simpson
<william.allen.simp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Certainly, hijacking google.com NS records to JOMAX.NET would be a
> criminal interference.  After all, that's all DNSsec signed now,
> isn't it?

I would rather see DNSSEC  and TLS/HTTPS get implemented end to end.
The last thing we need is a court to step in and say "It's not legal
for an ISP to
blacklist, block, or redirect traffic,  to any hostname or IP address."

Most likely the ISPs'  lawyers were smart enough to include a clause
in the ToS/AUP allowing
the ISP to intercept, blackhole, or redirect access to any hostname or
IP address.

The name for an ISP intercepting traffic from its own users is  not
"interference"  or  "DoS",
because they're breaking the operation of (er) only their own network.

The solution is to spread their name as widely as possible, so
consumers can make an informed
choice if they wish to avoid service providers that engage in abusive practices,
and bring it attention to regulators if the service providers are
acting as an abusive monopoly in regards to their interception


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