On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 01:49, Richard Barnes <richard.bar...@gmail.com> wrote: > And if they turn up the voltage on the fence high enough, dinner could be > cooked by the time the crew gets there!
Not quite. The point of the electric fence is to discourage moooving through it, but you do not want to kill (or seriously injure) your livestock. That, however does not always work as expected. Cows are really dumb creatures. And while an electric fence may discourage them, I have seen the extra special ones just lounge against the electric fence for a long time (I presume until the brain notices that something does not feel right, so perhaps they should consider, but only consider, being somewhere else). On a good day the cow goes (or does not go) where you want it. On a bad day you repair the electric fence. Gary