
The following announcement from the RIPE Programme Committee is
probably of interest to the nanog audience.  As most of you know, RIPE
is the European analog to NANOG+ARIN and holds twice-yearly meetings
with presentations and working groups on the subject of network
engineering, operations and policy.

If you have an interesting idea for a presentation and would like to
discuss it with a member of the programme committee you can mail me or




Dear colleagues,

RIPE 63 takes place on 31 October - 4 November 2011 in Vienna, Austria.

The RIPE Programme Committee is now seeking content proposals from the
RIPE community for the Plenary, BoF and tutorial sessions at RIPE 63
covering subjects including but not limited to:

  * IPv6 deployment
  * Data centre technologies
  * Network and DNS operations
  * Internet governance and regulatory practices
  * Network and routing security
  * Content delivery
  * Internet peering and mobile data exchange

Content proposals must be submitted for full consideration no later than
*18 September* using the online topic submission system at:

If you have any questions or requests concerning content submissions,
please email <p...@ripe.net>.

For more information about RIPE 63, including how to register, visit:

Kind regards,

The RIPE Programme Committee

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