The .129 is our peer to cogent, it just drops the traffic now..

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  2     1 ms     1 ms     1 ms
  3  reports: Destination host unreachable.

Trace complete.

Dennis Burgess, Mikrotik Certified Trainer 
Link Technologies, Inc -- Mikrotik & WISP Support Services
Office: 314-735-0270 Website:
LIVE On-Line Mikrotik Training - Author of "Learn RouterOS"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Miller []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 11:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Cogent --> Google Public DNS routing issue
> On 8/17/2011 9:13 AM, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
> > On Aug 17, 2011, at 1:07 AM, Christopher Morrow wrote:
> >> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 12:09 AM, Robert Glover<>
> wrote:
> >>> Hello,
> >>>
> >>> We have noticed that from our Cogent link (as well as from ALL
> >>> based points we tested via the Cogent Looking Glass:
> >>>, traceroutes to
> >>> and all seem to go over to Europe:
> >> ain't the driods you are looking for...
> > In the traceroute appended to the original post, he did trace to
> >
> > While it did go all over, I don't see the problem - it got to the
> host.
> >
> > Anycast is OK for some things, but it depends on BGP.  BGP has zero
> concept of latency, loss, or geography.  Expecting anycast to
guarantee an
> optimal path or location is a grave error.
> There are two basic types of anycast:
> 1. Simple anycast - announce an anycast prefix to whoever/wherever in
> more than one location.
> 2. Global anycast + careful configuration - announce an anycast prefix
> particular providers at specific geographically disparate locations
and using
> other options to achieve geographic and/or performant inbound traffic
> distribution.
> Perhaps we need a new term for 2.
> Google is clearly attempting to implement 2 and not 1 for their
resolving DNS
> service.  Based on Google's claims of speed (and my testing of their
> times), they have either found a way to exceed the speed of light with
> packets or they are managing to keep most of their traffic "local ish"
to the
> requester.
> To say that anycast "relies on BGP" and therefore expecting an optimal
> is an error - is disengenuous (I want a better word, but this one will
do).  The
> internet as a whole "relies on BGP" and yet we expect mostly optimal
> While it is true that BGP has no capacity to account for latency or
loss, IGPs
> which can take into account these factors end at the borders of
> (where prefixes are passed using BGP).  This is what makes up the
> net".
> If you were tracing from a host in Ashburn to a unicast host in NYC
and your
> path passed through San Jose, then you would say that was an issue.
> same would be true with an anycast destination address.
> As to geography, IGPs don't have a concept of geography either.  A
router in
> NYC doesn't know or care that the router at the other end of a link is
in CHI.
> All it knows is the prefixes that it gets from that router and metrics
to choose
> a best path for them.  BGP combined with "proper" (i.e. distributed)
> of networks does provide performant paths for traffic.  In an anycast
> configuration the "careful configuration" is selecting providers to
> anycast prefixes to and communities that you put on the prefixes to
> redistribution.
> Global anycast + careful configuration can and does provide mostly
> performant paths and a very high level of geographic fidelity -
> granted, not "guaranteed" (at least not guaranteed at a higher level
> unicast prefixes).
> You can't "guarantee" performant paths ever (regardless of anycast or
> unicast) if any path between the source and destination crosses the
> between two networks because some networks will choose a "primary"
> upstream (single homed or heavily pref'ed) that only picks up a prefix
in a
> particular area and sends all of the traffic there.  The originator of
the prefix
> can depref that provider to try to influence path selection, but some
> networks will doggedly prefer to send packets to that network despite
> efforts of the originator.  The only thing to do then is to ask why
this network
> selected that particular upstream and then to explain to them why that
> not have been the best choice, if they want performant paths...
> > The possible reasons for this are nearly innumerable.  Perhaps
> Google is congested in the US so one or the other prefers EU?  Perhaps
> is some IGP metric messed up inside Cogent that prefers the EU?
> more nefarious problems, such as Google de-peering Cogent in the US?
> etc.
> >
> > You may be able to find out if you look, and you may not (I didn't
even try).
> But even if you do figure out the answer, you can't fix it.  Only
Cogent and/or
> Google can.
> My traces show all the Cogent locations in the US that I traced from
going to
> Telia in EU and then to Google.
> My traces from Telia locations in the US all (properly) reach Google
> destinations in the US.
> So, Cogent is only receiving/using/preferring these two prefixes from
> peering(s) with Telia in EU.
> As to the root cause of that... only the players in that game can say.
> >
> > Moreover, you can see things like this with anycast even when there
is no
> problem!
> >
> The OP believes that it is a problem.  You *can* see this with
anycast, but I
> would say that this *is* a "problem" (for my definition of "problem"
> admittedly may be different from others).  There are many potential
> solutions to the problem, the most obvious is for the OP to stop
preferring to
> send traffic to these prefixes over Cogent.
> To the OP: I have to wonder what factors were used to decide "primary"
> vs "backup" provider.  If "price", then you should expect issues with
> performant routing.  If "quality", then what measures were used to
> determine a "quality" ranking?  I am also curious as to who the
> is (but that is just morbid curiousity).
> -DMM

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