I have a bunch of these, very useful and not super expensive.


On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Chaim Rieger <chaim.rie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 12, 2011 6:08 PM, "Leo Bicknell" <bickn...@ufp.org> wrote:
>> In a message written on Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 06:28:57PM -0500, Charles N
> Wyble wrote:
>> > I'm curious what other NANOGers have in their home compute centers? On
>> > the extreme end of course we have mr morris :)
>> > with his uber lab: http://smorris.uber-geek.net/lab.htm
>> I have installed a 2 post rack in a previous house, and wired several
>> houses now with Cat 5E to every room.  That said, I gave up on large
>> amounts of equipment at home a long time ago.  Be it the power bill,
>> AC needs, or just plain noise from data center equipment they are
>> all good reasons to not have gear at home.
>> A quality home router is important, I've rolled my own with FreeBSD
>> running on a PC-Engines box, 5W, no fan, sitting on a 1000VA UPS,
>> it lasts for like 3+ hours when the power fails.  I've also had
>> luck with some Netgear boxes.  Simiarly a good WiFi box, these days
>> MIMO on both 2.4 and 5Ghz.  Airport Exterme or Netgear again are
>> good choices.  Don't want to roll your own?  Consider OpenWRT, or
>> CeroWRT on the right hardware.
>> Beyond that, a nice home file server, rsynced to something in a
>> real data center each night.  This a combo of backup plus high speed
>> access no matter which side of the home connection you are on.  I
>> currently use a PC I built myself, which is good, but I would like
>> something that uses less power.  I'm looking hard at a Mac Mini
>> "server", with an external RAID (perhaps 2x3TB drives, RAID 1) as
>> I think it will draw even less power, but I'm not sure yet.
>> You might notice a trend with me, low power, which means low heat
>> output and long runtime on UPS, fanless so no noise, small footprint.
>> Gotta have GigE to every room wired for desktops, printers, cameras,
>> TV's, playstations, etc.  Netgear 5 port switches are awesome,
>> lifetime warranty, small, cheap.
>> The holy grail I'm searching for now?  A GigE switch with POE,
>> unmanaged is ok, and probably preferred from a price perspective;
>> but with NO FAN.
> I have a spare Poe dummy switch you are welcome to.
> Oh and it doesn't have a fan,
>> --
>>       Leo Bicknell - bickn...@ufp.org - CCIE 3440
>>        PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/

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