I am in the process of building a house. I designed a room that can accommodate 
three 24 x 36 inch cabinets or four post racks. I will likely install a APC 
2200 watt UPS in the bottom of two of the racks, and the third will be a 
cross-connect field, patch panels, etc.

The room will have a small, ductless ac unit, maybe a ton or a little more, 
which should be good for about 3 to 5 kw of load.

The house is backed up by a 48 kw genset with an auto transfer switch.

The weakness will be only one provider of connectivity.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles N Wyble [mailto:char...@knownelement.com]
> Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 8:19 PM
> To: nanog@nanog.org
> Subject: Home computer rooms
> All,
> Related to my thread about home data centers, what are folks using to
> store compute gear in?
> Mine sits in two racks in my second bedroom. Cooled by ambient AC.
> Has anyone built a dedicated room? What resources did you use to do so?
> Are their any standards to reference etc?

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