I'll go with that... And one other thing... Traditionally it has been easier 
for developers to add new features to IS-IS because of the structure and 
flexibility of TLVs, whereas OSPF required the design of entirely new LSA types 
to support similar capabilities... I guess this has become less of an issue 
over the last few years however...

Nonetheless, if I was building a greenfield network today, I would personally 
go with IS-IS, but that is largely because of my many years working with the 

Stefan Fouant
Technical Trainer, Juniper Networks

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 11, 2011, at 6:19 PM, Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com> wrote:

>> The only reason in my opinion to run IS-IS rather than OSPF today is
>> due to the fact that IS-IS is decoupled from IP making it less
>> vulnerable to attacks.
> how about simpler and more stable?
> randy

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