ryan> We keep running into problem with our IPv6 roll out.  I just
ryan> confirmed today that Exchange does not fully support IPv6
ryan> Yes sorry Exchange 2010 - OCS, Lync, Exchange UM - these require
ryan> IPv4

It's a hack (but all ipv6 transition stuff is...) but have you tried
using ipv6-literal.net for the apps that don't work with ipv6 yet?


Support for ipv6-literal.net Names

Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 support the use of
IPv6Address.ivp6-literal.net names. An ipv6-literal.net name can be used
in services or applications that do not recognize the syntax of normal
IPv6 addresses.

To specify an IPv6 address within the ipv6-literal.net name, convert the
colons (:) in the address to dashes (-). For example, for the IPv6
address 2001:db8:28:3:f98a:5b31:67b7:67ef, the corresponding
ipv6-literal.net name is
2001-db8-28-3-f98a-5b31-67b7-67ef.ipv6-literal.net. To specify a zone ID
(also known as a scope ID), replace the "%" used to separate the IPv6
address from the zone ID with an "s". For example to specify the
destination fe80::218:8bff:fe17:a226%4, the name is

You can use an ipv6-literal.net name in the computer name part of a
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. For example, to specify the Docs
share of the computer with the IPv6 address of
2001:db8:28:3:f98a:5b31:67b7:67ef, use the UNC path

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