In a message written on Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 09:10:53AM +0000, Bjoern A. Zeeb 
> If you want to do it, make sure you do understand the restrictions that apply 
> to IPv6 addresses, like U/G bits, etc.  Too many people unfortunately just 
> think it's cool in a weird geeky sense and violate RFCs with them.  I was 
> very close to write an article about that after W6D...

Perhaps I missed something in an RFC somewhere, but I believe those
bits only have meaning locally on an Ethernet LAN.  They have no
meaning when used on non-Ethernet networks, for instance POS or on
a Loopback.  If someone wanted to use them for a /128 virtual for
their web site for instance that would be ok.

Or, turning that around, if you assume an IPv6 address is part of a /64
on an Ethernet network, you have made a false assumption.

       Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
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