I would suggest running VRRP on the routers towards the firewalls and only use 
to advertise the ingress routes. Statically route default to the VRRP group.

Implemented as follows:

             |             |
           [AFW]         [PFW]

Make sense?

AFW/PFW advertise OSPF for the interior routes so that RA/RB know how to reach
them, but, RA/RB don't have to advertise anything and AFW/PFW have static
default routes to a VRRP group address shared between RA/RB.

If you want to make OSPF work, then, try making sure you have 
default-information originate always
on both RA and RB.


On Jun 22, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Bret Palsson wrote:

> Here is my current setup in ASCII art. (Please view in a fixed width font.) 
> Below the art I'll write out the setup.
>     +--------+    +--------+
>     | Peer A |    | Peer A |  <-Many carriers. Using 1 carrier
>     +---+----+    +----+---+    for this scenario.
>         |eBGP          | eBGP
>         |              |
>     +---+----+iBGP+----+---+
>     | Router +----+ Router |  <-Netiron CERs Routers.
>     +-+------+    +------+-+
>       |A   `.P    A.'    |P   <-A/P indicates Active/Passive
>       |      `.  .'      |      link.
>       |        ::        |
>     +-+------+'  `+------+-+
>     |Act. FW |    |Pas. FW |  <-Firewalls Active/Passive.
>     +--------+    +--------+
> To keep this scenario simple, I'm multihoming to one carrier.
> I have two Netiron CERs. Each have a eBGP connection to the same peer.
> The CERs have an iBGP connection to each other.
> That works all fine and dandy. Feel free to comment, however if you think 
> there is a better way to do this.
> Here comes the tricky part. I have two firewalls in an Active/Passive setup. 
> When one fails the other is configured exactly the same
> and picks up where the other left off. (Yes, all the sessions etc. are 
> actively mirrored between the devices)
> I am using OSPFv2 between the CERs and the Firewalls. Failover works just 
> fine, however when I fail an OSPF link that has the active default route, 
> ingress traffic still routes fine and dandy, but egress traffic doesn't. Both 
> Netiron's OSPF are setup to advertise they are the default route.
> What I'm wondering is, if OSPF is the right solution for this. How do others 
> solve this problem?
> Thanks,
> Bret
> Note: Since lately ipv6 has been a hot topic, I'll state that after we get 
> the BGP all figured out and working properly, ipv6 is our next project. :)

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