I was talking about public perception and the ability to change it
through marketing; not any actual security.

It's like the difference between ".com" and ".biz", "people" don't
understand when something isn't a ".com" and don't trust it.  When I
say "people" I'm talking about the average non-technical consumer.

That is all.

I do think that this breaks more than it's worth, and while it will
mean a short-term revenue boost, it doesn't seem very scaleable nor in
the long-term interest of DNS on the whole.

It sounds like we're beginning the process of migrating to AOL
keywords; I wonder if AOL has a patent on it...

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:57 PM,  <brun...@nic-naa.net> wrote:
> ray,
>> ... only trust ".band" and that ".com" et. al. are "less secure".
> "secure" is not a well-defined term.
> as the .com registry access model accepts credit card fraud risk,
> a hypothetical registry, say .giro, with wholesale registration at
> the same dollar price point but an access mechanism accepting less
> risk than credit card fraud would have less "insecure" registration
> events.

Ray Soucy

Epic Communications Specialist

Phone: +1 (207) 561-3526

Networkmaine, a Unit of the University of Maine System

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