In message <20110620223618.2927.qm...@joyce.lan>, "John Levine" writes:
> >> do you want to issue a RFC that bans search lists?
> >
> >Personally, I think search lists are a mistake and don't use them.
> You're in good company.  It's hard to find a modern mail system that
> allows abbreviated domain names in addresses.  I just checked the mail
> at AOL, Yahoo, Gmail, and Hotmail, and the one at Tucows which is used
> by a lot of large corporate mail systems, and none of them will let
> you send a message to an address like foo@bar.  Note that Yahoo and
> Hotmail each handle mail for many large ISPs.

Abbreviated names make perfect sense within a company be they mail
(submission), ssh or telnet or within the home.  

> There's a lot of advice that made sense in 1989 which is irrelevant
> now.  Programming around mail systems that rewrite partially qualified
> addresses is in that category.  It may not be possible for people to
> send mail to addresses like n@ai, but that's a very different problem
> from it going to the wrong place.
> R's,
> John
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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