Guessing some people here might be interested in this, but it seems to have
only been sent to APAC-based *NOGs...


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Save Vocea <>
Date: Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 5:30 PM
Subject: [AusNOG] ICANN 41 - now underway
To: "" <>

 Dear all,

The ICANN 41 meeting is already underway in Singapore this week and
fortunately this is closer to the Oceania regional time zones.

The official welcoming ceremony and opening is starting at 9am Singapore

The full meeting schedule is available at where if you click on the session
link takes you to remote participation links so one can participate/follow
proceedings remotely.

There’s also live twitter feeds referencing #ICANN and #ICANN41

Save Vocea
ICANN rep Australasia/Pacific Islands

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