On Jun 14, 2011, at 2:42 PM, Seth Mos wrote:

> Op 14 jun 2011, om 19:04 heeft Ray Soucy het volgende geschreven:
>> My guess is within the next year we'll see something pop up that does this.
> Ehm, It's already here, you searched google right?
> I finished it 4 months ago. And a number of commercial platforms already 
> support it. Although Owen doesn't like it much.
> I really wish there was a more bomb proof "lite" version of the BGP protocol.
> - One that has proper authentication not based on a single MD5.
> - One that does not allow the client side to define the networks.
> - That will only support default routes, it's easier if it can not carry the 
> world.
Bullet 1: You're in luck... In IPv6, you can run BGP/IPSEC.
Works today.

Bullet 2: Not sure how you'd do that, but, since the "client side" can't control
what the upstream side accepts, I'm not sure why that matters.

Bullet 3: You have the option of doing that in BGP today, but, I don't know of
any versions of BGP that are so limited other than by memory constraints.

> I think a evolved version of ebgp multihop is workable, but you'd still need 
> some lightweight form of hooking back into the BGP table.
Not sure what you mean by this.

Pretty simple, really... ISP advertises default and accepts <CUST> prefixes 
with a simple
prefix filter.

<CUST> accepts default and advertises own prefixes.

Done. Works today. Can mostly be fire-and-forget, even.

> Ideally, ISPs could deploy a number of these route "guides" that would inject 
> the proper route into the real BGP table, but by then it is filtered and the 
> ISP has proper control over what ends up in it. Some ISPs could mark this up 
> as a luxury version.

Why not just do it as part of the customer interface configuration on the edge 
router? Why add the
complication of an extra box somewhere else to manage?

> Perhaps a form of PI bound to country (Exchange) would be a workable 
> solution. So request a piece of "country PI" that is delegated explicitly to 
> the roaming guide(s).

Country PI is fail for a number of reasons.


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