On 6/12/2011 11:44 AM, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> I don't believe we were talking about DHCPv6, we were talking about SLAAC.
> And I *still* think it's a better idea for the client to be registering
> itself in DNS; the host knows what domain(s) it should be part of, and hence
> which names refer to itself and should be updated with it's new address.

Register with "what/which" DNS?   If no DHCPv6 no DNS information has
been acquired, so you're doing the magical anycast/multicast.

Not a fan of self-registration, in IPv4 we have DHCP register the DDNS
update; after all, it just handed out an address for a zone/domain that
*it* knows for certain. 

The host "knows what domains it should be part of" ??  Perhaps a server
or a fixed desktop, but otherwise (unless you're a big fan of
ActiveDirectory anywhere) the domain is relative to the environment you
just inherited. 

Letting any host register itself in my domain from any address/location
is scary as heck :) 


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