On Fri, 10 Jun 2011, Leo Bicknell wrote:

In a message written on Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 09:37:11AM -0400, Ray Soucy wrote:
You really didn't just write an entire post saying that RA is bad
because if a moron of a network engineer plugs an incorrectly
configured device into a production network it may cause problems, did

No, I posed the easiest way to recreate this issue.

I've seen the entire NANOG and IETF lans taken out because some
dork enabled microsoft connecting sharing to their cell card.

I've seen entire corporate networks taken out because someone ran
the patch cable to the wrong port.

The point is, RA's are operationally fragile and DHCP is operationally
robust.  You can choose to stick your head in the sand about that
if you want, but it's still true.

I don't see, why do you claim that DHCP is more robust, than SLAAC.
I have seen half day outage due to broken/misbehaving  DHCP server....

I agree with Wiliam Herrin: have both SLAAC and DHCPv6 as an option. Give me both ways....And probably I will use both...

Janos Mohacsi
Head of HBONE+ project
Network Engineer, Deputy Director of Network Planning and Projects
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