On Friday 10 Jun 2011 05:31:44 Michael Painter wrote:
> Jimi Thompson wrote:
> > Now I'm going to go off on you people - What kind of crack are you people
> > smoking?  
> The same stuff they're smoking over at PayPal.
> Some genius decided to send out E-mails which said:
> "Hello <name removed>,
> It looks like you may be using an outdated browser with known security 
> issues. 
> Help keep your computer and your PayPal account protected by updating your 
browser today."
> and included a link (different from what was represented).
> Even magaged to fool the folks at sp...@paypal.com 
> 11 pages of wtf? at:
> https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/Fraud-phishing-and-spoof/New-scam/td-

PayPal has been doing this for as long as I've been a member. They are terrible 
ones for sending out e-mails to teach you to type passwords into the spam.
The only thing worse than e-mail disclaimers...is people who send e-mail to 
lists complaining about them

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