In message <>, Owen DeLong 
> On Jun 8, 2011, at 5:46 AM, Mark Andrews wrote:
> >=20
> > In message <>, Owen =
> DeLong write
> > s:
> >>=20
> >> On Jun 7, 2011, at 9:15 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
> >>=20
> >>> =3D20
> >>> In message =3D
> >> <
> >>> .us>, John van Oppen writes:
> >>>> I was wondering the same thing...   we have v6 enabled to about 700 =
> =3D
> >> users i=3D3D
> >>>> n our native Ethernet to the home deployment here in Seattle.    =3D
> >> Unfortunat=3D3D
> >>>> ely, user routers don't seem to often support v6 resulting in only =
> =3D
> >> about 2-=3D3D
> >>>> 8% of users in most buildings using it, and most of those are just =
> =3D
> >> people p=3D3D
> >>>> lugged directly into the wall jacks we provide without routers.   I =
> =3D
> >> wonder =3D3D
> >>>> how long it will take for everyone to upgrade their home routers.
> >>>> =3D20
> >>>> John
> >>> =3D20
> >>> If all the home CPE router vendors stopped shipping IPv4 only boxes,
> >>> not that long.  At the moment the price point for IPv6 CPE routers
> >>> is still 2-3x the IPv4 only boxes when you can find one though not
> >>> all of that difference is IPv6.  The IPv6 boxes often have multiple
> >>> radio and other extras.  This shows that CPE vendors still see IPv6
> >>> as something *extra* and not something that should be *standard*.
> >>> =3D20
> >> The D-Link DIR series v6 capables are not actually more than about a =
> 10%
> >> premium over the corresponding ipv4-only competition.
> >>=20
> >> I see them in computer stores fairly regularly these days.
> >>=20
> >> Owen
> >=20
> > Wireless G Modem Router     $79.00  v4      G
> > N-150                       $79.95  v4      G
> > DIR-615                     $129.00 v4/v6   G/N
> > DIR-815                     $199.95 v4/v6   G/N
> >=20
> Interesting... In the US, it's more like:
> N-150         $35                     v4/-- G
> DIR-615               $44                     v4/v6 A/N(5) or B/G/N(2.4)
> DIR-815               $79                     v4/v6 A/N(5) and B/G/N(2.4)
> The jump in price from the 615 to 815 is likely more related
> to the dual-radio vs. dual-band single radio.
> The jump between the N-150 and DIR-615 could be similarly
> attributed to the single-band radio vs. dual-band radio
> As such, it doesn't look like a huge jump in price for IPv6 to me.
> It looks comparable.
> > The IPv6 price point is still well above the IPv4 only price point.
> >=20
> > 1.00AUD =3D 1.06USD
> Perhaps that's an accurate exchange rate, but, apparently there is
> a bigger difference in pricing than just the exchange point. Prices
> above obtained by google search a few minutes ago.

The AUD prices include all taxes.  That being said one can still
buy retail in the states including taxes, add shipping and come out
in front for a identical product.  3x markup is a rip-off.

> Owen
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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