On Wed, 8 Jun 2011, Matthew Palmer wrote:
netflow data, I'm guessing we average about 100kbit/s or less traffic in
each direction between us. At that low a level, is it even worth the time
and trouble to coordinate setting up a peering connection, much less
tying up a gigE port at each end?
100kbit/s at <1ms is better than 100kbit/s at > 1ms.
True, but the point being made is: how *much* better? Is it enough better
to justify the cost of installing and maintaining another peering link?
Additionally, we share at least one common transit provider, so we'd be
trading <1ms for 1-2ms. Obviously, if we were talking about a leased
line with any MRC, the answer would be hell no. Since we're able to
utilize fiber inside the building with no MRC, the answer is more of a
"why bother?" It's not going to save either of us any meaningful amount
of transit bandwidth $/capacity.
Jon Lewis, MCP :) | I route
Senior Network Engineer | therefore you are
Atlantic Net |
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