FWIW, Hurricane Electric has an aggressively open peering policy and we
will peer with anyone who is willing to peer at any exchange where we are
connected. We believe as stated by Rucas that this only serves to enhance
the internet experience for our customers as well as our peers.

So far, it seems to be working pretty well for us. I encourage others to follow
our lead in this regard as it truly does make a more functional internet.


On Jun 6, 2011, at 3:24 PM, Alex Ryu wrote:

> Nope.
> It is because who pay the money, and somebody wants to earn the money
> because they have more control.
> So it is because of "money".
> Welcome to the world of capitalism.
> Alex
> On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 5:19 PM,  <rucasbr...@hushmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I wouldn't consider myself a network engineer, nor do I have any
>> formal training, but why don't ISPs peer with every other ISP? It
>> would only save EVERYONE money if they did this, no? Only issue I
>> see is with possibly hijacked / malicious AS owners, but that's not
>> very common to do without being caught.
>> All the whole "don't peer with this guy" only makes your customers
>> have worse latencies and paths to other people, making the Internet
>> less healthy.
>> Thanks,
>> Rucas
>> PS: sorry if I sent this twice; client lagged a bit.

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