Will Google have inverse working by June 8th?

[hank@noc ~]$ traceroute6 ipv6.google.com
traceroute to ipv6.l.google.com (2a00:1450:8001::68) from 2001:bf8:0:3:202:b3ff:feaf:f3fc, 30 hops max, 16 byte packets
 1  2001:bf8:0:3::1 (2001:bf8:0:3::1)  0.407 ms  221.144 ms  5.218 ms
 2  2001:bf8:0:b::1 (2001:bf8:0:b::1)  0.559 ms  0.54 ms  0.486 ms
3 iucc-lb1.rt1.fra.de.geant2.net (2001:798:14:10aa::1d) 50.665 ms 50.611 ms 50.567 ms 4 google-gw.rt1.fra.de.geant2.net (2001:798:14:10aa::e) 56.821 ms 50.525 ms 50.486 ms
 5  2001:4860::1:0:11 (2001:4860::1:0:11)  51.266 ms  51.106 ms  51.068 ms
 6  2001:4860::1:0:4b3 (2001:4860::1:0:4b3)  58.309 ms  58.078 ms  58.442 ms
 7  2001:4860::8:0:2db0 (2001:4860::8:0:2db0)  57.174 ms  57.339 ms  57.195 ms
 8  2001:4860::2:0:66f (2001:4860::2:0:66f)  72.496 ms  60.803 ms  72.381 ms
 9  2001:4860:0:1::1b (2001:4860:0:1::1b)  68.165 ms  62.21 ms  70.3 ms
10  2a00:1450:8001::68 (2a00:1450:8001::68)  61.21 ms  61.862 ms  61.331 ms


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