On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 9:34 PM, Hank Nussbacher <h...@efes.iucc.ac.il> wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Jun 2011, Cameron Byrne wrote:
> In that case can anyone explain why the number of IPv4 *only* systems is
> increasing rather than decreasing:
> http://server8.test-ipv6.com/stats.html
> I would have expected the green+azure areas in those graphs to have
> increased in the past half year but counter-intutitively, it appears that
> IPv4 only usage is increasing.

Pure speculation here, but these stats that you refer to are not a
scientifically representative sample of the internet at large, this
sample is a self selecting group of people who have chosen to run an
ipv6 test.  These people who run the test, likely know what IPv6 is
and therefore are more likely to have IPv6 enabled.

As world ipv6 day gets more general press coverage, the graph is
bending more towards a more realistic sample of the internet ... which
does not usually have IPv6 access.

Assuming Google users represent the general internet, this is the
graph that displays what you are likely looking for



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