> NAME five consumer-grade commercial off the shelf products http://lmgtfy.com/?q=STB+PVR+ethernet
> Proof: go to Titantv.com, select the 'digital cable' channel line-up for > 'Comcast areas 1, 4 & 5' in zipcode 60640 (chicago north side, lakefront). > and check the comcast channels in the range 340-379. lol comcast. All bets are off. > I'll simply ask, _which_ of those channels will have that extra data stream > that the head-end inserted? That the cable compmany doesn't know, or care, > about, and *how* does it survive the de-multiplexing and re-coding that the > cable company did? I'm in agreement with you already, I said on digital the b/w had already been consumed making it financially unviable. If you paid they'd leave it alone. > You apparently have no idea how 'digital TV' is delivered by all the major > cable companies in the U.S. -- demultiplexed, and transcoded to QAM with > each video stream on a separate QAM channel. I don't see any _possible_ > way for an additional data stream to survive _that_, without explicit > intervention/support from the cable company. They make their own choices overiding the original broadcasters. Net neutrality is old. brandon