On May 18, 2011, at 3:06 AM, Leigh Porter wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Carl Rosevear [mailto:crosev...@skytap.com]
>> "Eating Up" sounds so overweight and unhealthy.  Since a good number
>> of us get paid for delivering bits, isn't this a good thing?  Always
>> glad to see bits and dollars flowing into the Internet, personally.
>> However must express severe dissatisfaction with the topic of the
>> thread a while ago referencing Comcast trying to charge providers for
>> delivery over their network.  Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty happy
>> with the current model...  even if it means a $5/month residential
>> rate hike (or something).
>> --C
> Well it depends if Netflix pay for the bandwidth they use or if they get
> it all for free with non settlement peering. If, suddenly, your business
> model breaks because of a huge demand for high bandwidth services by
> your customers then either you need to charge your customers more or
> Netflix (or whoever) need to share the pie.

Netflix is hosted in ec2 and they use a lot of CDN.

not sure that it's germain to the question of access to customers to measure 
which direction the money changes hands

> --
> Leigh Porter
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