On 5/23/2011 10:34 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

> Diluted IPv4 is one thing. Hijacking space allocated to another entity
> is another. As long as they keep it contained within their network,
> it's pretty much up to them to break their own environment however
> they see fit, but, if they start leaking or subset announcements
> on to the internet in general, I wouldn't want to be them or one of the
> companies that was accepting their routes.

I ran into this issue with a service provider that wanted to set up
point of sale terminals on our campus.  They were using DoD address
space in their inside network, and they ordered ISDN connectivity from
our site back to their network.  The point of sale terminals were
connected on our campus network.  They wanted me to set a static route
on my network backbone that pointed all of the hijacked DoD address
space to this ISDN line.  Of course, I told them no.  The university I
was working for at the time had some DoD contracts, and I was afraid
that it might break legitimate traffic.  Plus, I thought this was a
really bad network design.  The service provider was not very happy.  It
is interesting that I'm not the only one that has come across this problem.

Byron L. Hicks
Google Voice: 972-746-2549
aim/skype: byronhicks

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