Thanks for all who assisted me on this issue.  Was invaluable to get router
output from all over the country.

Bottom line Level3 had some issues with poking a whole in there
summarization filters.  Appeared that the problem was only with peers
connected to the HSA1 and HSA2 routers in San Diego.  That is where our
routers are located so looks like a local issue.  I did not get a clear
answer for them on the root cause but from what I understand they updated
their summarization policy but did not clear the BGP sessions.  Not sure if
anyone else has run into this in the past with Level3.  I have worked with
them a couple times previously doing the same thing and had no issue.



On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 1:39 AM, Joe Renwick <> wrote:

> Can anyone peering with Level3 directly tell me if they are seeing
> coming from the Level3 peer?
> Thanks for the help.
> Cheers,
> --
> Joe Renwick
> IP Network Consultant, CCIE #16465
> Direct: 619-800-2055, Emergency Support: 800-719-0504
> Is your network moving you forward?

Joe Renwick
IP Network Consultant, CCIE #16465
Direct: 619-800-2055, Emergency Support: 800-719-0504
Is your network moving you forward?

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