On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 5:05 AM, Vitkovsky, Adam <avitkov...@emea.att.com>wrote:

> >"inverse problem"
> This is what I believe Landon meant in his original post
> Everybody started talking about compression -but that is I believe sending
> the result of the function -where both nodes know the function
> But how hard if at all possible is to figure out a function(or set of
> functions) and variables that describe the given data
> And than just send those functions and variables to the other node
> And let it to recompute the original file
> Complex function can be represented by simple numbers to shrink down the
> amount of data to be sent over the wire
> If the file is: 1048576
> -than that coule be represneted via:
> 1*1
> X=2
> Y=10
> Where both nodes would know that 1 = x^y

Just wanted to say yes, this is entirely what I meant.  Of course the
smaller the file the more pointless it gets but still...  If the file was
1GB instead of just 7 bytes I'm wondering if a regular old workstation could
put it back together in any reasonable amount of time with the equation.

Landon Stewart <lstew...@superb.net>
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