Subject: Re: Yahoo and IPv6 Date: Tue, May 17, 2011 at 04:22:54AM +0000 Quoting 
Paul Vixie (
> > From: Owen DeLong <>
> > Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 16:12:27 -0700
> > 
> > ... It's not like you can even reach anything at home now, let alone
> > reach it by name.
> that must and will change.  let's be the generation who makes it possible.

I'd like to respond to this by stating that I support this fully, but
I'm busy making sure I can reach my machines at home from the IPv6
Internet. By name. ;-) 

Måns Nilsson     primary/secondary/besserwisser/machina
MN-1334-RIPE                             +46 705 989668
HELLO KITTY gang terrorizes town, family STICKERED to death!

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