On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 05:40:43PM -0500, Lyle Giese said:
>> Then some kids decided to take it over and discuss and trade commodore-64
>> juarez on it (and then, seeming to having a shred of clue, they were
>> harassed by others for help to get off the list) til we noticed and figured 
>> we
>> were abetting piracy, so we shut it down.
>> Ah those were the days. (nods to old nm-listers, be ye out there.)
>> /kc
> Yep, the good ole days...  Back then I started my business doing chip  
> level repairs on Commodore 64's.
> You know you can buy a C-64 now?  Someone bought the name and created a  
> PC in a case that looks identical to a C-64.

and runs a C64 emulator at 100x the speed of the original 64, meaning
the games are unplayable without a nullop routine :)


> Lyle Giese
> LCR Computer Services, Inc.

Ken Chase - k...@heavycomputing.ca skype:kenchase23 +1 416 897 6284 Toronto 
Heavy Computing - Clued bandwidth, colocation and managed linux VPS @151 Front 
St. W.

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