On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 10:35 AM, William Pitcock
<neno...@systeminplace.net> wrote:

>> Currently, we're talking to Time Warner and some of our customers who
>> have plants in China to see what solutions they're using to get
>> around this kind of issue. One thing we are hearing quite often is
>> that they're using a MPLS based connection to Hong Kong, then going
>> to the USA from there. We're happy to try this, but due to cost
>> issues we're (management mostly) considering this a last resort
>> option. Are there any other options maybe some of you have to fixing
>> this issue? Thanks
> The only option is to get transport to an endpoint outside China, e.g.
> in Hong Kong.

or just tunnel without a protocol... or spread-spectrum across more
than one endpoint set

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