Over the past several months, Packet Clearing House has been working on a survey of peering agreements, to which many of you responded. We are very grateful for your participation, and would like to share the resulting report: https://pch.net/resources/papers/peering-survey/PCH-Peering-Survey-2011.pdf I anticipate that we will repeat this exercise in the future, perhaps a year from now, perhaps five years from now, depending upon how much demand we get for updates in the future. If you feel that your perspective was insufficiently represented in our dataset, we would be very happy to include your information in future iterations. Thank you all very much, -Bill Woodcock Research Director Packet Clearing House -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (Darwin) iEYEARECAAYFAk3BJREACgkQGvQy4xTRsBEzrgCgqt1kk2UXALiYByXrDt+UIs5s GC8AoIbJNJZZ8h4mM9ybPVrKGCzOO2zX =aXGo -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----