> Date: Sun, 01 May 2011 11:07:56 -0700
> From: Mike <mike-na...@tiedyenetworks.com>
> To: nanog@nanog.org
> Subject: Re: Amazon diagnosis
> On 04/29/2011 12:35 PM, Joly MacFie wrote:
> > http://aws.amazon.com/message/65648/
> >
> > ___
> So, in a nut shell, Amazon had a single point of failure which touched 
> off this entire incident.
> I am still waiting for proof that single points of failure can 
> realistically be completely eliminated from any moderately complicated 
> network environment / application. So far, I think murphy is still 
> winning on this one.

this was a classical case of _O'Brien's_Law_ in action -- which states,
rather pithily: 

     was an OPTIMIST!!"

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