On Apr 27, 2011 5:49 AM, "Marco Hogewoning" <mch-na...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Hi There,
> We just released a new version of the IPv6 CPE survey. After lots of
feedback on the previous editions, we are now doing a "proper" survey. Based
on the responses we receive in this survey we will be able to compile a new
edition of our matrix and provide some more statistical background on what
is happening in the market.
> Remember we are totally depending on your feedback to continue this work.
The more responses we receive, the easier it gets for us to provide regular
updates on which CPE are available on the market and how good they are.
> So if you have an IPv6 capable router or modem in your house, or you are
busy testing them. Please take the time to fill out the survey and help
other people to find the device that fits their need.
> Please see
https://labs.ripe.net/Members/marco/ipv6-cpe-survey-please-participate for
further details and a link to the survey.

Can we get mobile devices added to this? Mobile consumes a large amount of
address space and is especially well suited for ipv6-only operations.

Unfortunately, the results would be painfully narrow.  Now that Nokia no
longer supports ipv6, there is no going forward ipv6 support on any mobile
device (htc did something special for thunderbolt, it's not an android 3g
feature )

It's a very sad state of affairs.


> Thanks,
> MarcoH

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