-----Original Message----- From: Curran, David [mailto:david.cur...@windstream.com]
> The LINX, TORIX, and SIX graphs provided earlier, for example, seem > relatively flat until the Nov. timeframe at which point they seem to seek > a new higher "normal". Could just be my lack of sleep and my biased > opinion though. As one might infer, I'm trying to find evidence > corroborating my own experiences. My theory being that all of those cool > Internet connected toys (Blue Ray, TVs, Ipads, etc) that hit the market > this past year have lead to a substantial increase in residential Internet > traffic. If that were true, I guess I'd expect that enterprise oriented > service providers would not see the same uptick as residential providers. > > Thanks again to all have responded (and anyone else that might still). > > David David, you may also want to try to correlate the addition of participants to the peering fabric to bandwidth growth. I know TorIX shows on their main page the date when new participants joined the exchange. http://www.torix.net/ For example, Microsoft jointed on 9/3/10. You may be able to see a rise in usage shortly after. Thanks Sameer