On 04/19/2011 13:44, Brzozowski, John wrote:

Since deploying our 6to4 relays, Comcast has observed a substantial
reduction in the latency associated with the use of 6to4. As such we are
contemplating further opening our relays for use by others. The
availability of our 6to4 relays should improve the experience of others
using 6to4 as a means to access content and services over IPv6.

We have been open about our IPv6 activities and wanted to follow suit by
reaching out to the community and soliciting feedback before moving
forward. As always we wish to continue to advocate and support the
universal deployment of IPv6.

Please send any comments or questions to the list or if you wish to me

Presumably you(pl.) are aware of the following 2 drafts, which are in WGLC now, and seem likely to be adopted (at least in some form):


At minimum one would hope that you're heeding the warnings in the first. Another view (one that I personally hold) is that any effort you might be putting into making 6to4 work better would be better placed in deploying real IPv6 instead; and that the world would be a better place generally if all of the so-called "transition mechanisms" just went away.



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