
On Apr 19, 2011, at 9:36 AM, John Curran wrote:
>> There are already two "address registrars" and at least 5 (6 if you count 
>> IANA) address whois databases.  I expect there to be more in the future, 
>> particularly now there is an existence proof that you can sell addresses and 
>> the Internet doesn't explode. 
> How does transfer of number resources within a region imply additional whois 
> databases?



% whois -h

to the list I provided you in the previous message. Or are you implying that 
ARIN and the other RIRs are committing to synchronizing their databases with 
alternative address registrars as they become established?

>> What venue do you propose for a global consultative action to be taken in an 
>> open, transparent, an unbiased manner?
> I've suggested ICANN, IGF, or the RIRs...

I find ARIN's new found interests in engaging in ICANN-related processes 
heartwarming given my past experiences, but I suspect both the ICANN and RIR 
venues would be somewhat biased against changing the status quo.  As for the 
IGF, my perhaps mistaken perception is that it has a slightly different focus 
than dealing with the operational implications of the proliferation of 
alternative address registrars. The main problem is one of timeliness. I doubt 
the market is going to wait for IGF, ICANN, or even RIR processes. But we'll 


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